Halmi Is About to Become Your New Favorite Fizzy Drink

Think of it as the happy medium between an iced tea and ginger ale.

What is Halmi

Emilio Canton

I have a confession to make: every time I spy a can of Halmi, whether it is in a restaurant or the drinks case of a store, I have to buy at least one can (often more). There has never been a better time to be someone who loves an interesting non-alcoholic drink. The options are seemingly endless, but with the range and variety these days, it can be harder for drinks to really stand out. Still, Halmi manages to set itself apart from the crowd with both a charming can design and a product that actually tastes like nothing else on the market. 

I first came across Halmi when I popped into Yangban Society, one of my favorite restaurants in Los Angeles, that has a playful modern Korean menu. I would always drink a can there and then get one to go.  Now, I’m starting to see it in the drink fridges at cool small grocers like Wine + Eggs in Los Angeles and Odd Provisions in Washington, DC, as well as at other restaurants across the country.  Instead of scurrying away cans every time I come across them, I’ve finally wisened up and ordered two cases directly from the website, so I can have Halmi whenever I want. 

The drink is based off of a traditional Korean punch called sujeonggwa. Traditionally made from cinnamon and ginger, and lightly sweetened, sujeonggwa is valued not just for its taste, but also its health benefits, such as its ability to ward off colds and to help aid with digestion. It’s often consumed after a large celebratory meal, on holidays, or after a little too much Korean BBQ, and can be served both hot and cold. 

Halmi, which is a loving nickname for “grandmother” in Korean, draws its flavor inspiration from the punch and is made with cinnamon, ginger, jujube, and persimmon. It’s also lightly carbonated, which makes it extra refreshing. Halmi sits somewhere between a spiced iced tea and a zippy ginger ale, and is best enjoyed after a few days of properly chilling in a fridge. Though it’s not light on flavor, it’s not very sugary either(unlike many flavored carbonated drinks), which makes it super easy to knock back. 

As someone who spends a lot of time eating restaurant meals professionally, I am always on the hunt for drinks that help settle my stomach after an indulgent meal. Ginger ale or even ginger beer can be too sweet, and sometimes it’s too hot for a glass of warm water with lemon. And as much as I love a wonderfully bitter, herbaceous amaro, I am not always in the mood to drink something boozy. This is where Halmi hits everything I’m looking for, though I also find myself opening a can when I need an afternoon pick-me-up, especially now that I am incapable of consuming coffee after 12pm. 

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